What you'll learn
Deepen your self-awareness. We’ll help you tap into what drives you and gives you the energy you need to bring your best every day while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Discover Your Leadership Voice. Learning to make the most of your strengths and how it benefits the team is crucial to maximizing your influence and productivity.
Lead with confidence and clarity. The Altitude process will equip you with the tools and practice you need to build your confidence and lead effectively no matter if you’re new in your role or you’ve been around a while and need a new spark.
Leverage proven leadership tools. Used by Fortune 500 companies around the world, learn a new tool in 30 minutes or less every week that addresses a different key leadership challenge so that you’re prepared and ready to take on anything that comes your way.
Resolve issues as they arise. Problem-solving and conflict resolution are crucial skills for any leader because drama, gossip, and misalignment can destroy a team.
Welcome to Altitude Training Session 1
The Peace Index Session 2
Your Support/Challenge to Team and Family Session 3
Your Support/Challenge: To Yourself & Others Session 4
5 Circles of Influence: Intentional vs. Accidental Session 5
Know Yourself to Lead Yourself Session 6
Who Says You Can’t?: Inhibition vs. Prohibition Session 7
CORE Process: Key Tools for the Climb Session 8
5 Voices: Discovering Your Leadership Voice Session 9
5 Voices: Leadership Insights for Your Voice Session 10
5 Voices: The Power of Your Voice Session 11
5 Voices: What Triggers Your Weapon System Session 12
5 Voices: Rules of Engagement Session 13
5 Voices: Liberation Statements Session 14
CORE Process: Your 5 Voices Game Plan Session 15
The Core of Your Leadership Session 16
Over-Productive and Under-Present Session 17
5 Gears: Tool, Tendencies & Challenges Session 18
5 Gears: Triggers & Learning to Shift Session 19
CORE Process: Your 5 Gears Action Plan Session 20
Liberating Others: How to Build Leaders Worth Following Session 21
The Liberator’s Intent Session 22
Communication Code: Your Tendencies Session 23
Communication Code: Your Challenges Session 24
Communication Code: Active Listening Session 25
CORE Process: Communication Code Action Plan Session 26
Maximizing Influence: Building Trust Session 27
Maximizing Influence: The 5 Voices Connection Session 28
Maximizing Influence: Overcoming Self-Preservation Session 29
Maximizing Influence: Relationship Before Opportunity Session 30
CORE Process: Maximizing Influence Action Plan Session 31
How to Develop Others Effectively Session 32
The Responsive Leader Session 33
Investing Time Intentionally Session 34
Setting Clear Expectations Session 35
Multiplying Magic: Learning How to Transfer Your Competence Session 36
Getting to Clarity with Your Team Session 37
The Change Equation Session 38
Overcoming Resistance Session 39
Getting Others to the Next Level Session 40
The 100X Leader Assessment Session 41
CORE Process: Intentional Transfer Plan Session 42
Maximizing Performance: How to Lead Organizations Worth Following Session 43
How to Defeat Drama & Gossip: Go to the Source Session 44
Using Discretion & Discipline Session 45
Communicating Clearly with Provisional Plan Promise Session 46
The Power of the Medium Session 47
Effective Delegation Session 48
Push / Pull Leadership & Coaching Skills Session 49
The Performance Diagnostic Session 50
CORE Process: Altitude Training Takeaways Session 51

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